Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Eva. alordiah has finally dropped “1960" Album after 2 Years

Wow!! how long did that take?! Eva has finally dropped her debut album ,Titled"1960" But it's been such a long time coming that all we can do right now before anything else is take a huge deep bre
ath for the rapper.
Where female rappers have been trying to make success in Nigerian hip-hop,Eva     Alordiah looked to be a breath of fresh air in the industry.
She presented a new sound and some sick lyrical flows that shows she could cut it out with the big boys.
In 2014, after impressing on several singles and  a few guest features,Eva announced that her debut Album"1960" would be coming out. little did we know that the album would take up to 2 years to drop.
Alordiah who is also a make-up artist ,has a unique gift of being able to marry her crazy vocals with beautiful imagery too and in the lead up to this album's release she shared promotional images, album art,tracklist,..and just everything we could think of except the abum itself.
A series of photograph and set backs meant we just had to keep waiting until the 13th of september when she decided to pull us from or misery
#1960thealbum#is out get it here @

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