Gr8jobsng recently launched its Project Employ Initiative which is aimed at further bridging the gap between Jobseekers and Employers.
Gr8jobsng is offering free recruitment Services to employers for job roles and vacancies ranging from entry level jobs all the way to Senior Management Level.
So far Gr8jobsng has been able to garner a large pool of diverse jobs from various employers thereby giving jobseekers and professionals the rare opportunity to apply for these jobs under the PROJECT EMPLOY initiative.
Looking for a job? Apply now and find gr8 jobs by following four simple steps:
⦁ Register on the Gr8jobsng platform at ⦁ www.gr8jobsng.com/jobseeker/registration
⦁ Upload a well written CV & Video CV for Employer’s assessment.
⦁ Take Assessment Tests and attach results to job application
⦁ Do Gr8 at the job interview and land that Gr8 job.
Go Ahead! Kickstart and improve your careers, the Gr8jobsng Project Employ gives jobseekers/professionals access to roles from employers across the country.
Offer runs from Nov 2nd – 31st Dec. 2016
What are you waiting for? There is a job for you, HURRY!!!
For enquires send an email to info@gr8jobsng.com or call 01-2778960
Gr8jobsng…..No.1 Recruitment Platform in Africa!!!
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